Reasons You Should Use Sports Mouthguards

                                                       If you are an athlete practicing a contact sport, like American football, rugby or boxing, you probably have heard about the mouthguards. If you don’t, then let me quickly explain what a mouthguard is: a mouthguard is a protector used to protect the teeth and the jaw for athletes that are at risk of receiving any kind of impact in this area.  The Navasota Dental, Tx  that is conveniently located near 413 N Lsalle St, Navasota, is the  best  option available and  is the  best option available    for any type of  Dental  Care  dentist   Emergencies . A mouthguard must be an integral part of the athlete’s uniform, but sometimes they refuse to use them for several reasons: comfortability, bulkiness, and difficulty to breath are some reasons. Nevertheless, we list here only ten reasons for using sports mouthguards: Your teeth are an integral part of your skull. They even have nerves directly connected to them. That is why, if you receiv

Call us Quickly if you have Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety can be associated with certain triggers such as needles, drills, or the dental setting in general. When dental anxiety is severe and results in irrational fear and complete avoidance of going to the dentist, it can be classified as dental phobia. Communication with your dentist is one of the best ways to help you to cope with your dental anxiety. You must talk about your fears with your dentist, as it allows them to be understood and addressed. Working alongside you, your dentist can determine the optimum way to help you to feel more comfortable, less stressed, and less anxious about the whole experience. The Navasota Dental, Tx that is conveniently located near to 413 N Lsalle St, Navasota, is the best Low-Cost Dental clinic near you.

Dental anxiety can be caused by a traumatic dental experience, previous trauma to the head and neck, other traumatic experiences, including abuse generalized anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder the view that the mouth is a personal area and accessing the mouth is an invasion of personal space fear of loss of control trust issues. Fortunately, there are several methods and tools you can use, both in the dentist’s office and out, to help you figure out how to stay calm at the dentist. The more tools you use to assist you before or during your next dental examination, the better you will equip yourself to manage your anxiety effectively. nitrous oxide Known as happy gas can help people relax during dental treatment. It takes effect within a few minutes and wears off quickly. Oral anxiety-relieving medications are sometimes prescribed by dentists or doctors to help anxious patients relax. A short-acting, small, single-dose is usually taken one hour before the dental appointment.  Intravenous (IV) sedation is provided by dental sedation or an anesthetist. It can be undertaken at a dental practice that has additional equipment, or in a hospital. This type of sedation involves receiving medication through a drip placed into a vein of the arm or hand.

But Communication with your dentist is one of the best ways to help you to cope with your dental anxiety. It is important that you talk about your fears with your dentist, as it allows them to be understood and addressed. Working alongside you, your dentist can determine the optimum way to help you to feel more comfortable, less stressed, and less anxious about the whole experience

Give us a ring (936) 825-7799 or visit to schedule your appointment.

Find us at:

413 N Lsalle St
Navasota TX 77686              

                                 Taking Care Of Your Oral Health In Self Isolation

During self-isolation, make sure you are well prepared to care for your oral health. The pandemic is disrupting every area of our lives are currently, including physical activity. We can no longer simply go for a walk, visit the gym or play team sports, while the temptation is to sit at home and spend more time on the couch. However, physical inactivity is a major risk factor for developing a serious disease

Toothbrush Hygiene
Keep safe by making sure nobody uses each other’s toothbrushes and that they are stored well away from everybody else’s toothbrush. The damp environment of a toothbrush is ideal for spreading viruses. Use separate toothpaste as well.

Continue with Your Normal Oral Care Routine
Sticking to every day routines is important while self-isolating and particularly your dental maintenance routine. Make sure you continue to brush at least twice a day and floss once-a-day. If you 
wish, use a mouthwash for 30 seconds as this can slightly reduce the risk of spreading viruses.

Watch Your Diet
It’s a time when it’s tempting to indulge in snacks and Netflix, but try to limit your consumption of sugary or acidic foods. Instead, concentrate on eating foods that will boost your immune systems like 
vitamin-rich and nutrient-dense fruits and veggies.

Stay Active
Make sure you have some form of physical activity every day. If you can’t get outside, there are plenty of fun exercise routines online.

Drink plenty of Water
It is easy to become dehydrated and especially if you are fighting an infection. Some medications can reduce saliva flow too, so be sure to drink plenty of plain water.


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