Reasons You Should Use Sports Mouthguards

                                                       If you are an athlete practicing a contact sport, like American football, rugby or boxing, you probably have heard about the mouthguards. If you don’t, then let me quickly explain what a mouthguard is: a mouthguard is a protector used to protect the teeth and the jaw for athletes that are at risk of receiving any kind of impact in this area.  The Navasota Dental, Tx  that is conveniently located near 413 N Lsalle St, Navasota, is the  best  option available and  is the  best option available    for any type of  Dental  Care  dentist   Emergencies . A mouthguard must be an integral part of the athlete’s uniform, but sometimes they refuse to use them for several reasons: comfortability, bulkiness, and difficulty to breath are some reasons. Nevertheless, we list here only ten reasons for using sports mouthguards: Your teeth are an integral part of your skull. They even have nerves directly connected to them. That is why, if you receiv

We are the best for treating periodontal gum diseases.

Gingivitis is early gum disease it occurs when dental plaque builds up on teeth, particularly where the gum joins the tooth. The sign of gingivitis are bleeding, redness, and swelling of the gum. But Periodontitis is an advanced gum disease that may occur if gingivitis is not treated. The gum margin, the part of the gum that seals to the tooth, is weakened and spaces form between the tooth and the gum. These spaces are called ‘periodontal pockets. Bacteria become trapped in these pockets causing further inflammation (redness and swelling). Periodontitis can affect the covering of the tooth root, the bone, and the fibers that connect the cementum to the bone.  As the disease progresses and bone is lost and larger spaces begin to form between the tooth and the gum. The Navasota Dental, Tx that is conveniently located near to 413 N Lsalle St, Navasota, and is a dental clinic close to you. 

Cleaning of teeth can help prevent gum disease. While it is tempting to avoid cleaning your gums when they are inflamed and bleeding, brushing will help improve the situation.  Seek dental care Periodontal disease Like many conditions, early intervention to treat gum diseases can ensure the longevity of your teeth. If you have swollen or bleeding gums or your teeth feel loose, see your dentist or oral health professional. They will examine your gums with a probe to measure the spaces between the tooth and gum. This will determine the health of your gums and supporting structures. If necessary, the dentist or oral health professional will instruct you in tooth-cleaning techniques or may clean your teeth professionally to remove any plaque and calculus.

Give us a ring (936) 825-7799 or visit to schedule your appointment.

Find us at:

413 N Lsalle St
Navasota TX 77686

                                         WE CAN DEFEAT COVID19 TOGETHER!

We will overcome the COVID-19 pandemic only through effective collaboration and communication among scientists, experts, innovators, and policymakers. Real-time sharing of experiences and insights will be critical in strengthening the science-policy-society interface and contribute towards the solutions we need.
Don’t forget to do the basics:
  • Our oral health should always be a priority. In addition to visiting your local dental team when possible, don’t forget the simple day-to-day habits that will help you keep a healthy mouth.
  • Brush daily with a fluoride toothpaste last thing at night and at least one other time during the day.
  • Drink plenty of water and cut down on how much and how often you have sugary foods and drinks.
  • Clean between your teeth every day with interdental brushes or floss and consider using mouthwash.


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