Reasons You Should Use Sports Mouthguards

                                                       If you are an athlete practicing a contact sport, like American football, rugby or boxing, you probably have heard about the mouthguards. If you don’t, then let me quickly explain what a mouthguard is: a mouthguard is a protector used to protect the teeth and the jaw for athletes that are at risk of receiving any kind of impact in this area.  The Navasota Dental, Tx  that is conveniently located near 413 N Lsalle St, Navasota, is the  best  option available and  is the  best option available    for any type of  Dental  Care  dentist   Emergencies . A mouthguard must be an integral part of the athlete’s uniform, but sometimes they refuse to use them for several reasons: comfortability, bulkiness, and difficulty to breath are some reasons. Nevertheless, we list here only ten reasons for using sports mouthguards: Your teeth are an integral part of your skull. They even have nerves directly connected to them. That is why, if you receiv

cleaning and Preventive Dentistry



Visiting for a regular dental check-up and clean ensures you are proactively maintaining  optimal oral health. A dental check-up and clean at least annually is the best way to detect and prevent any dental complications, that includes the professional and safe removal of harmful plaque and tartar build up. Early detections allow our practitioners address the concerns and begin the necessary course of treatment before the issue develops further. The Navasota Dental, Tx that is conveniently located near 413 N Lsalle St, Navasota is the best  available for teeth cleaning and whitening .

At our Dental clinic  our Oral Health Therapist is dedicated to improve the condition of your overall health by helping you to maintain a clean and healthy teeth and gums. With a focus specifically on prevention, our Oral Health Therapist will teach and explain all you need to know about good dental health for both adults and children. This is all part of our exclusive level of care – maintaining your smile for a lifetime of oral health.

Dental check-up

Our Dental team are proud to provide you with a comprehensive dental assessment not only checking for signs of cavities, gum disease but also conduct oral cancer screening, jaw disorders, identify wearing down teeth, upper airway breathing restrictions, skin cancers and many other medical conditions that could be impacting your overall general health in the head and neck region. During our standard check and clean appointment, you’ll be able to relax in our comfortable cushioned dental chair, tune out and either listen to soft music or take your pick of what to watch on Netflix  If our team detects any dental concerns or underlying issues, they will discuss the matter openly and honestly, providing you with information about how to best address the matters.

Dental check-ups generally involve:

  • Informative general discussions regarding any dental concerns and requests
  • An evaluation of your oral health
  • An oral cancer check
  • Scale and Clean
  • Multiple x-rays

Hints and tips about how to better care for your teeth, gums yourself at home – reducing the risks of future dental issues from occurring Referral for further treatment if necessary

Preventive Dentistry

Once issues such as dental disease has developed, the dentist does still of course need to provide interventions to address various dental matters, however in many cases of people with healthy mouths – an Oral Health Therapist is the best type of dental practitioner for you to see for regular check up and cleans. Our Oral Health Therapist sees adults as a dental hygienist and can provide therapeutic general dental care to children such as fillings and removal of baby teeth. If you are looking for advice about how to achieve or maintain the best dental health possible, then an Oral Health Therapist is the right dental professional for you see.

Give us a ring (936) 825-7799 or visit to schedule your appointment.

Find us at:

413 N Lsalle St
Navasota TX 77686.


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