Reasons You Should Use Sports Mouthguards

                                                       If you are an athlete practicing a contact sport, like American football, rugby or boxing, you probably have heard about the mouthguards. If you don’t, then let me quickly explain what a mouthguard is: a mouthguard is a protector used to protect the teeth and the jaw for athletes that are at risk of receiving any kind of impact in this area.  The Navasota Dental, Tx  that is conveniently located near 413 N Lsalle St, Navasota, is the  best  option available and  is the  best option available    for any type of  Dental  Care  dentist   Emergencies . A mouthguard must be an integral part of the athlete’s uniform, but sometimes they refuse to use them for several reasons: comfortability, bulkiness, and difficulty to breath are some reasons. Nevertheless, we list here only ten reasons for using sports mouthguards: Your teeth are an integral part of your skull. They even have nerves directly connected to them. That is why, if you receiv

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure to save your tooth.


Root canal treatment (RCT) is a dental procedure designed to save your tooth, its resolve pain and clean your root canals of any infected or damaged tissue. A benefit of root canal treatment is that it allows your dentist to attempt to preserve your natural tooth, and presents an alternative treatment path to extracting the tooth entirely. Successful root canal treatment allows your dentist to save more of your natural tooth structure. Root canal problems are often diagnosed due to extreme discomfort and pain, but in some cases, the tooth may die and become infected without any painful symptoms. Your dentist can help you understand what is happening underneath the gums of your teeth, and assess if root canal treatment is necessary. Navasota Dental, Tx that is conveniently located near to 413 N Lsalle St, Navasota is the best low cost dental clinics near you. 

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Alternatively, some patients may opt for extraction of the tooth. These extracted teeth can be replaced by dental implants or dental prosthesis such as bridges or dentures. However, the main advantage of root canal treatment is being able to keep your natural tooth, and surrounding gum and bone.

What Happens at a Root Canal Appointment?

Before any treatment, your dentist will need to establish the history of your dental pain and symptoms, perform a thorough examination of the problem tooth and confirm a diagnosis. To accomplish this, your dental x-rays are updated, and a Cone Beam CT may be used to visualize the area in 3D. An x-ray of a sealed and treated tooth can be seen.

Before After Root Canal X-ray

This sequence of treatments can be spread over multiple appointments to help guarantee the best possible treatment outcome, and this should be decided on an individual basis.

If multiple appointments are needed, then a pain-relieving medical paste and a temporary filling is placed in the tooth in between appointments. Antibiotics can also be prescribed by your dentist if you have an established infection. Depending on the location of the tooth, and its structural integrity, it may be restored with a filling, crown or bonded porcelain restoration. Many people fear that root canal treatment is painful. However, one of the main objectives of treatment is to resolve dental pain as quickly and effectively .

Give us a ring (936) 825-7799 or visit to schedule your appointment.

Find us at:

413 N Lsalle St
Navasota TX 77686


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