Reasons You Should Use Sports Mouthguards

                                                       If you are an athlete practicing a contact sport, like American football, rugby or boxing, you probably have heard about the mouthguards. If you don’t, then let me quickly explain what a mouthguard is: a mouthguard is a protector used to protect the teeth and the jaw for athletes that are at risk of receiving any kind of impact in this area.  The Navasota Dental, Tx  that is conveniently located near 413 N Lsalle St, Navasota, is the  best  option available and  is the  best option available    for any type of  Dental  Care  dentist   Emergencies . A mouthguard must be an integral part of the athlete’s uniform, but sometimes they refuse to use them for several reasons: comfortability, bulkiness, and difficulty to breath are some reasons. Nevertheless, we list here only ten reasons for using sports mouthguards: Your teeth are an integral part of your skull. They even have nerves directly connected to them. That is why, if you receiv

Composite Filling @ Navasota Dental


Do you presume you may have a hole in the tooth that causes pain? In the event that you have an industrious toothache or one that is observable when you devour something chilly, hot or sweet? Do you notice a gap or pit in one of your teeth? That is the reason at whatever point you see a dentist is keeping watch for indications of rot when they are looking at your mouth for weaknesses or things that appear on your dental X-rays showing a pit. The  The Navasota Dental, Tx that is conveniently located near to 413 N Lsalle St, Navasota has the best dentist in your network.

  • Experiencing pain in a tooth.
  • Experiencing gentle to sharp agony or tooth sensitivity when you eat or drink things sweet things or those at temperature limits (hot/cold).
  • Finding pits in a tooth.
  • Finding staining on a tooth, regardless of whether it is earthy colored, dark, or white.
  • Feeling torment when you clench down on something.
  • hole in tooth

On the off chance that for reasons unknown, you do have a hole, Dentist may put a Composite fillings to reestablish the structure, capacity and stylishness of your harm or rotted tooth. This is especially useful on the off chance that you are worried about filling the hole with a recognizable material, similar to silver amalgam.

All dental clinics offer white or composite dental fillings with the goal that your grin remains characteristic looking. Basically utilized for minor tooth harm, for example, a crack or chip, composite fillings are a tooth-hued tar that comes in a few shades so a decent match can be made to mix in with your tooth shading.

These tooth-hued fillings are inconspicuous rebuilding efforts made with a blend of powdered glass and acrylic tar segments that predicament with the outside of the harmed tooth and hued and concealed to your tooth. This is done in a few stages. In the first place, the rot will be evacuated totally and the zone cleaned and dried. Next, the gum material will be set down in layers. Each layer will be restored with a unique light to ensure the tooth remains dry during the filling procedure. The dentist will shape the composite to accommodate your tooth and wrap up by streamlining it and cleaning it. For what reason may you pick a composite filling?

Give us a ring (936) 825-7799 or visit to schedule your appointment.

Find us at:

413 N Lsalle St
Navasota TX 77686


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